Friday, October 11, 2013

Back to Beagles, Burrittos and Beaches

Most of us flew home from Paris yesterday morning. My ten hour flight went by quickly because I watched 4 movies on the screen on the back of the seat in front of me. 
Today I was in a fog of jet lag, but got a chance to go to the beach and try out my French Sennelier tin box of paint on American subject matter. 
My beagles were glad to see me and it was good to see my local burrito shop is still in business.


Polly Birchall said...

Nice to be home? Barking Beagles and bracing beach! (can't think of anymore 'b' things. Love the sketch and the little box

Polly Birchall said...

Nice to be home? Barking Beagles and bracing beach! (can't think of anymore 'b' things. Love the sketch and the little box