Friday, May 11, 2012

Flying Home From Paris

Well I am on the plane headed home after having to squeeze 2 suitcases into one as Delta changed their luggage policies and wanted to charge me $100.00 for my 2nd bag. Luckily, Debbie helped me contort my belongings and figured out how to zip up an impossibly full bag. After I got through security I was able to throw out non-essentials such as old jeans, socks and 25 napkins saved for dabbing watercolor but could not part with the bag filled with cookies and candy for my family or the 3 books i might possibly need to read on the plane.
All of my students have gone their separate ways and all expressed the desire to make time to paint when they return home. Anyone of you readers discovered ways to find time fit a bit of painting into your daily life? How about commenting on this post and letting us know your discoveries...


Toni Brown said...

Been following your trip via blog-so wonderful!! I will be in Paris for 2 weeks in August after 2 weeks in Kenya! I will paint and sketch my way through...inspired as always by you!

Billie said...

Ooooh Barbara ... I am sooo jealous! What a fabulous sounding trip I missed (sob). And what great artists went with you. Their paintings are lovely. Obviously they've learned from the best! To answer your question 'Anyone of you readers discovered ways to find time fit a bit of painting into your daily life?' ... RETIRE!

Unknown said...

I like your idea Billie, of painting more once you retire. I know you are going to paint some wonderful things once you retire and have more time. You are already off to a great start.