Friday, April 27, 2012

Painting in Monet's Garden

We took a train out of Paris to visit Giverny where Monet's home and garden are located. All I can say is WOW! The gardens were all arranged in color patterns and the flowers were all blooming. We were able to walk through his home and see his bed, his dinner dishes and his studio. It was a very special experience to be able to sit on a bench by Monet's waterlily pond and do some quick paintings of his famous Japanese bridge.


Deirdra Doan said...

It is so funny. I was just in my studio putting together my travel pack of water colors and booklets I got from you for my trip next week. Thanks for posting it is so cute to see what you are all doing. I will forward this to my friend. I know she will want to go with you when she retires from teaching in a few years.

Love your photo's and fun!!

Karenliz Henderson said...

WOW What a wonderful experience. I love Monet! Thanks for sharing. Have a great time.

Roberta said...

I want to be right there with you gals!
Monet's garden... oh, so lovely!
I want to see everyone's art when you come home!

Miss you gals,
have fun!