Would you like to join me September 23rd or Oct. 3rd in the French countryside for a week or two or painting, touring, tasting and enjoying the wonders of French life? I would love it if you could come along. Today, I am opening enrollment for this year's workshop at La Cascade, the home where we will stay. You can learn more about the workshop and location at
www.gwengibson.com and on my website paint trips page at
www.barbararothart.com Since La Cascade has 3 shared bedrooms and a lovely 3rd floor atelier style studio only 6- 8 students can attend each week. I just learned that the price of this workshop will increase in 2012, so if you have the dream to paint in France, why not contact me today and sign up? A $500 deposit will hold your spot. Contact me at
rabjsl@pacbell.net Price for one week is $1,950 + your portion of a rental car, airfare is not included. A 2 week discounted price is available.
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