Sunday, May 25, 2008

Trying to Capture the Plethora of Greens in Tuscany

I rode around Tuscany in the back seat of a Skoda for 4 days last month. I stared out at the most beautiful countryside I have every seen. Aside from my daughter's face when she was born and my husband anytime, I think the Tuscan landscape this Spring ranks right up there. For a few days after I returned home I tried to make a painting using the various greens I had stored in my visual memory before they faded away and were replaced by visions of my Sacramento landscape. Here is a painting I did in the first few days after I returned. What do you think? I think I want to paint simpler and bigger images.


Deirdra Doan said...

Oh it is so pretty. I look forward to going with you someday!

Deirdra Doan said...

PS I just posted a little watercolor of a Kitty called "Snivitzan" Snownwhite. I painted her in the window of a Old Austrian farm house last summer! Tell me what you think? I like watercolor too. I am back at my oil painting classes in between making a new studio, finishing it, as it was left unfinished in the basement. I am so glad I waited because now I am making it BIGGER. After working down there with drop cloths on the walls to give a finished look I realized that the footprint was too small. Now it will be 61/2 ft longer with a big walk in closet. And I got a gas wood type stove heater. Can't wait to have a wonderful studio. Looking forward to meeting you.