Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Resolution to Paint Less Time (but more often)

Please remind me as the year progresses that I want to actually paint less time, but more often. I am beginning to suspect that painting is like exercise, if you practice on a regular basis, it is easier then starting anew again and again. Those of you that know me or have taken classes from, probably can see that I lose track of time. Forgive me if I've arrived late to a class you took from me. However, since now I am going to paint less, but more often, I won't be painting up until it is five minutes before I need to leave to teach and I am still in my pajamas. As a back up plan, my new years resolution #5 is to be on time. Resolution #1 is to listen more, what did you say? What are your new years resolutions? This painting is from a photo I took of a garden on an island in Tuscany.

1 comment:

Deirdra Doan said...

Yes I think you are right! Paint more often...I like that...your painting is so interesting,I love it!