I think it is time to come clean. Most of you know me as a watercolor teacher who likes to paint old houses, bicycles and flower boxes. However, I think you should know about my past life. Upon graduating college (you can guess the year), I decided I wanted to be a children's book illustator. For the next 20 years I taught varying subjects in the public schools and worked at writing and illustrating children's books. I have published several drawings over the years and have a large file of wonderful rejection letters from the books I wrote and illustrated. Some publishers told me to wait and they would pair me with the right author when they found them. Others told me my work was too original and others told me they liked my work but had something else they had to publish first. So, after 20 years I quit trying to illustrate children's books. And you know that expression, "When one door closes, another one opens?" That is exactly what happened! Now I am happily teaching wonderful students both locally and abroad plus selling my work. So, never give up, just re-position yourself, okay?
I loved this post, Barbara! Sometimes, shifting gears is all it takes! Thanks for sharing your past with us...and for showing us that dreams can come true...new dreams ;-) I LOVE the pigs on the cake! OH SO adorable!
You would be proud of me...I finally pulled out the watercolor paints, they have been sitting idle for about 8 months! I used them for my backgrounds in a "skinny book swap" I signed up for. It isn't much...but hey, it gave me the feel for watercolors again, and hopefully I will get more confident, the more I use them!
Hi Barbara,
Looking forward to talking to you soon. I liked to show you my children's book. I am sure you know lots about it after this post.
Please call me soon, I want to talk in person about my visit to CA.
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