Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tuesday Art Skool-Drawing With A Continuous Line

Eileen came for a visit and mentioned she was a fan of continuous line drawing. After looking at some examples in books, I decided doing some continuous line sketches would help me improve my drawing and might help me see and draw shapes better.
Continous line drawing is called connected-line drawing by Burt Dodson, auther of Keys To Drawing, one of my favorite drawing books. Dodson's tips on how to draw with a continous line are: use one continuous line to record the various angles and curves in a spontaneous way. Roam in and out of the subject you are drawing and never lift your pencil and take no more then two minutes for each drawing.
I sort of followed these directions but my drawing took more then 2 minutes. Try continuous line drawing if you have some time and let me lnow what you think about it.

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