Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kathy Harmon-Lubar

Kathy Harmon-Lubar is a fabulous photographer and collage artist from Idyllwild, CA who has attended 2 previous workshops with me in Europe and one workshop stateside at the Idyllwild Arts Summer Program.
Since Kathy is relatively new to watercolor, her goal for her paintings was to improve her use of contrast and use more vibrant color. She feels like she definately has taken a big step forward in achieving these goals during our workshop. She didn't think that anything could possibly be better then our last year's trip to Montisi, Italy, but the fabulous farmhouse and studio we stayed at this week in Provence, the roadtrips to charming and picturesque villages, and the comaraderie amoung friends made this a magical trip as well.

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